Sella Fiduciaria

Sella Fiduciaria S.p.A. is part of "Sella group". It was founded in 1975 in Biella.

Its headquarters and offices are located in the historical "Palazzo Bricherasio" with the mission of execute the so-called "static" trustee services (according to the Italian law No. 1966/39).

Assets awarded by the grantor are registered in the Company's name, nevertheless they remain exclusive property of the Customer. Therefore, Sella Fiduciaria works in its name but on behalf of its Customers and in their interest. The assets placed in trust are managed without opening any named accounts at the custodian banking institutions, so that top confidentiality is ensured.

The most important services carried out by Sella Fiduciaria S.p.A are:

Le più importanti attività che Sella Fiduciaria può svolgere sono le seguenti.

  • custodian capacity services of savings deposits, together with insurance policies and asset management not only in Italy but also abroad;
  • management and control of capital protection and intergenerational transfers with particular attention to the role of trustor and trustee;
  • withholding agent for bank deposits of any types held offshore;
  • account aggregation of asset under mandate, wherever deposited;
  • establishment of pledges and warranty in favour of creditors fiduciary;
  • fiduciary custody of shares, obligations and shares capital with the consequent holding action;
  • stock option attribution;
  • stock option attribution;


Caterina Sella
Deputy Chairman
Giorgio Manca
Managing Director and CEO
Stefano Piantelli
Paolo Claretta Assandri, Maurizio Giorgi, Piergiorgio Re
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