Sella: 2023 Financial Statements presented to the Shareholders' Meeting

Group Non-Financial Statement on sustainability activities performed during the year also presented

Press release

The Shareholders Meeting of Banca Sella Holding, the Parent company of the Sella group, took place today. This occasion included the presentation of the 2023 Group financial statements, which showed positive and growing results thanks to good performance in all business sectors.

In 2023 Sella group’s consolidated net profit stood at €149 million, of which €107.5 million pertaining to the Parent Company and €41.5 million pertaining to minority interests, which are present in the shareholding structure of several group companies also to support the strategic development of their business activities. The group also recorded increased banking income to over €1 billion for the first time (+18.2%), global deposits (+16.1%), loans (+4.9%), and all business volumes. The group has further strengthened its capital solidity: CET1 was 13.36% and Total Capital Ratio was 15.47% (they were 13.21% and 15.12% respectively at the end of 2022). LCR is at 230.83% and NSFR at 142.90%. 

Presentation of the Group Non-Financial Statement to the Shareholders' Meeting also took place. The document illustrates the activities carried out and reports on the results achieved by the group during the year in the ESG sphere and in favor of its stakeholders, community, customers and employees, and from which it emerges how the growth and development strategy has also been supported by the strengthening of its commitment to sustainability and to generating a positive impact. During the year, the group helped customers in the transition to an economy with a lower environmental impact by increasing its range of ESG products and services. Charitable initiatives in support of various associations at national and international level, those supporting scientific research and those of an environmental and cultural nature also continued, as well as initiatives aimed at constantly reducing the group’s gross CO2 emissions. The economic value generated by the Group's activities exceeded €1 billion, up by more than €170 million compared to 2022, and 80% of it was distributed to the various stakeholders.

The group's positive results are also echoed in the good performance of Banca Sella. In fact, the Shareholders Meeting took place today and approved the 2023 financial statements, including the allocation of the profit for the year with a dividend of €0.0706 per share, up 60.82% over the previous year, for a total amount of € 47.2 million. equal to 30% of the net profit.

Banca Sella closed 2023 reporting a net profit of €157.3 million, representing a significant increase from the €73.3 million in the previous year. It further strengthened its historical financial soundness, with CET1 at 19.27% and Total Capital Ratio at 21.78% (they were 18.63% and 21.16% respectively). The LCR index is 275.31%, while the NSFR index is 161.19% (for both the minimum required threshold is 100%). Particularly worthy of note was the progress in net banking income (+30.2% to €644 million), thanks to the increase in both net interest income (+68.3% to €392.3 million) and net income from services (+3.3% to €250.7 

million). Lending increased by 3.7% reaching €9.4 billion. Global inflows at market value stood at €35.4 billion, up 12.2%, while global net inflows were positive by €2.6 billion. 

The performance of Banca Patrimoni Sella & C., the bank specializing in the assets management and administration of private and institutional customers, also showed a positive trend, closing 2023 with a net profit of €25.5 million, representing an increase from the €14.1 million of 2022 (+81%). Assets under management stood at €22.2 billion (+21.7%). Global net inflows amounted to €2.7 billion. The bank's CET1 and Total Capital Ratio both stand at 13.57% (they were 11.88% at the end of 2022).

29 April 2024
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