Green Bond Framework
Fighting climate change and safeguarding the future of our planet for the benefit of our community and future generations is an unavoidable challenge. Through the Green Bond Framework, the Sella group adds a further element to its offer of means to support the transition process of its customers towards a lower environmental impact economy.
Sella group's Green Bond Framework is drafted according to the 2021 ICMA's Green Bond Principles and supported by the ISS ESG's Second Party Opinion.
Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sella Group is guided by the awareness that economic results cannot be considered separately from the positive impact on the environment and the community. For this reason, it has always paid the utmost attention to the issue of sustainability and is committed to constantly improving its positive impact on its various stakeholders.
Protecting the environment is an important goal, and implementing behaviours that reduce global warming and combat climate change while preserving the future of the planet is a prerequisite for healthy and sustainable development in the long term.
Environmental sustainability is closely linked to the concept of a subject's responsibility towards other subjects and in particular towards future generations.
The Sella group has chosen to foster a sustainable economy by constantly improving its environmental performance and its financial intermediation activities in support of its customers and other stakeholders' transition processes towards a lower environmental impact of their actions.
Based on these elements, the Group has resolved the implementation of a Green Bond Framework.
The Sella Group's Green Bond Framework is drawn up under the 2021 Green Bond Principles published by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and applies to Green Bonds issued by Banca Sella Holding S.p.A. or Banca Sella S.p.A.
The Sella Group's Green Bond Framework is supplemented by the ISS ESG Second Party Opinion.