La nostra storia

Le prime tracce dell'attività imprenditoriale della famiglia Sella risalgono alla seconda metà del Cinquecento, quando Bartolomeo Sella e suo figlio Comino operano come imprenditori tessili nella Valle di Mosso, nel biellese.

Col passare del tempo all'attività tessile si aggiunge l'azienda agricola, dalla metà del Seicento, e la banca, dalla metà dell'800. Tre settori in cui ancora oggi la famiglia è attiva.

Lungo questa storia la propensione all'innovazione e alle nuove tecnologie ha sempre rappresentato una costante. Nel corso dell'Ottocento i Sella sono protagonisti dei primi passi dell'industrializzazione nel campo tessile. Dopo un viaggio in Inghilterra, infatti, Pietro Sella acquista otto esemplari diversi di macchine per la filatura che, una volta in funzione, contribuiscono all'avvio della rivoluzione industriale italiana e alla crescita dell'azienda di famiglia.

Con il settore tessile ben avviato, è Quintino Sella a ispirare l'idea di dar vita a una banca, che nascerà dopo la sua morte. Il 23 agosto 1886, infatti, il giovane ingegnere Gaudenzio Sella fonda con sei fratelli e cugini la società in accomandita Gaudenzio Sella & C., che è all'origine dell'attuale Gruppo. Tra i soggetti fondatori c'è anche il lanificio Maurizio Sella, che sottoscrive una quota significativa del capitale sociale.

L'antico lanificio oggi è sede delle attività informatiche e tecnologico del Gruppo, della piattaforma di innovazione Sellalab, dell'Università aziendale e della Fondazione Sella, che conserva la memoria della famiglia.

Nel corso del Novecento, mantenendo sempre saldo il legame con il territorio d'origine, la banca si trasforma in società per azioni e assume la denominazione di Banca Sella, intraprendendo un processo di graduale e costante crescita e uscendo dalla dimensione di banca locale, anche attraverso l'acquisizione di altri istituti presenti sul territorio nazionale.

Nel 1992 viene costituito il Gruppo Sella, una realtà ampia e articolata le cui attività oggi comprendono la banca commerciale e retail, i servizi di private e wealth management, il corporate & investment banking, i sistemi di pagamento, l'open banking e i servizi di information technology.

Con spirito pioneristico la banca e il Gruppo hanno sempre fatto da apripista in vari settori: l'introduzione delle macchine Chubb, antenate dei moderni sportelli automatici per prelevare denaro contate, i Buoni Ordinari del Tesoro nell'offerta di gestione del risparmio, la prima compravendita azionaria inviata al mercato italiano via internet, le prime transazioni di e-commerce a livello europeo, l'internet, il mobile e il voice banking.

Nel 2013, anticipando il nuovo paradigma del Fintech e dell'open innovation, nel Gruppo viene creato il centro d'innovazione per startup e imprese Sellalab, in cui nasce anche la challenger bank Hype.

Il Gruppo, inoltre, promuove la nascita del Fintech District di Milano e la prima piattaforma italiana di open banking Fabrick, dando vita così a un ecosistema innovativo e aperto, che continua a crescere.


In February, following the authorization by the Bank of Italy, Hype achieved the status of Electronic Money Institution (IMEL). As of June, the Sella Group's challenger bank can directly open and manage its customers' accounts.


The technological infrastructure of the Sella Group bundles into Centrico: a new entity, which, in line with the open banking logic, provides unique core and digital banking solutions and a wide range of Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing services to Group companies, banks, fintechs and other innovative financial operators.
Launch of Sella Venture Partners. An alternative asset management company focused on venture capital investments. Nephis joins the Group, expanding the offer by specialising in salary-backed loans.


Launch of Fabrick as an open financial ecosystem enabling and fostering cooperation between banks, corporates and fintechs to create innovative solutions for their end customers through the Fabrick Platform,  combining, integrating and coordinating a growing number of APIs and services.
Banca Sella launches an innovative "voice banking" service, among the first in Italy and Europe, to manage current accounts through smart speakers.
Smartika, the platform for loans between private individuals, joins the Sella group.
Axerve, through the continuous development of innovative payment acceptance solutions, establishes itself as the first international payments hub in Italy.


In 2017, the Group launched the first Open Banking API Platform in Italy. The Bank opens up its technological and information infrastructure to businesses and start-ups to enable the seamless communication of their IT platforms with its systems.
The Bank is among the first in Italy to integrate the Apple Pay and Amazon Pay technology on its payments platform. Additionally, it made available to its customers a new payment service based on the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme, enabling instant credit transfers from counterparties throughout the Sepa area.
The first Fintech District in Italy saw the light in Milan: an access point for the Italian Fintech ecosystem bringing together start-ups, entrepreneurs, financial institutions, investors and universities to foster the development of the future financial industry and the growth of companies in the sector.


A couple of years following the launch (through UPMobile) of mobile payments, Light Banking saw the light through Hype: the new way of handling money by smartphone.


SellaLab saw the light as the innovation centre for established start-ups and corporate companies aimed at supporting open innovation and digital transformation processes.
Banca Sella is the first mover to develop banking services on Facebook.


Sella Digit, the online service for signing banking documents, sees the light. Going to the branch to sign documents is no longer necessary.


The Group's Facebook page is introduced, to maintain a constantly open communication channel with its customers.
Banca Sella issues co-branded prepaid cards in partnership with important players.


The Bank begins to convey its 360° offer under the brand and allows orders on Fib 30 (derivatives) through its online trading service. The first venture capital initiatives take off: in partnership with a group of entrepreneurs from Biella, Jupiter, the investment fund for financing successful businesses, such as Mutui Online, sees the light.
In 2000, on the death of Giorgio Sella, Maurizio became Chairman of the Parent Company and his son Pietro, an engineer like his great-grandfather working at the Bank since 1994, was appointed first as Managing Director of Banca Sella (2002) and later in 2005, as Managing Director of the Parent Company.


SellaMoney was created as the first prepaid card issued by Banca Sella, in response to the need for a payment method not requiring a current account.


Launch of : the new offer dedicated to customers preferring online transactions. The core of the offer is a zero-fee current account, to which a wide range of products and services added over the years.


The first banking app for iPhone in Italy is developed and launched, allowing Customers to access and operate on their accounts directly from their mobile phones. Banca Sella enters the social media world with the "La Banca che Piace" community, where Customers can rate products and services and share suggestions.


Sella group is established


Banca Sella was one of the pioneers in Italy to develop and launch a website. The same would then become the current
The Group was quick to recognize the potential for global collaborations and partnerships. In 1995, Selir in Romania was established followed by Sella Synergy India in the next year. A global in-house centre focusing on developing ICT solutions for the banking and financial sector.


Banca Sella was one of the first Italian banks to launch an informative internet banking service in real time. In addition the Bank was the first in Italy to join in the European e-commerce programme and was a first mover in the electronic payments industry.


Spring 1998 saw the first online revolution: home banking became a service allowing customers to make bank and giro transfers. Winconto, Italy's first online account, was born.


The branch number grew to 17 located in the provinces of Biella, Torino, Cuneo and Aosta.


Società Autostrade chooses Banca Sella to experiment a revolutionary system to pay motorway tolls called Viacard.

Banca Sella establishes its asset management company and it is among the first Italian banks to offer mutual funds to its Customers.


For its first century anniversary, the bank opens its branch in the central Piazza Castello in Turin.


In the 1970s Banca Sella was the first in Italy to introduce Chubb machines, the ATM ancestors, allowing Customers to draw money in an automated way.

Banca Sella added Treasury Bills (BOT) to its managed savings offer. It is among the first banks in Italy to sell Treasury Bills at its branches.


At Ernesto's death, Maurizio Sella succeeds his father in the role of General Manager and Managing Director of the Bank, while his uncle Giorgio becomes Chairman of the same.


In the 1960s the Bank expanded within the province of Biella and a new head office building is built in the central via Italia.
The data processing centre developed during the 1960s in the new premises, and became an 'electronic data processing centre' as the first first computers were introduced.


In 1966, at the age of twenty-four, Maurizio Sella, Ernesto's son, joined the bank, starting his career at a  bank-counter. He then moved on to Credits and other functions, ending his apprenticeship as head of accounting and organisation.


Business growth and territorial expansion made it necessary to move from manual jobs to automated procedures. Under the guidance of Giorgio Sella: a telecommunications enthusiast, a pioneering spirit led to the introduction of the first information technologies. The data processing centre of Banca Sella saw the light at the Headquarters of via Seminari, in Biella.


On the death of the founder, Gaudenzio Sella, the Bank was sound and, under the new management, it began to differentiate itself and expand beyond the local bank dimensions. In 1937, the Bank opened its first branch outside Biella, in Ponzone-Trivero.


In 1939, a new, second branch opened in Cossato. World War II began as the Bank continued to expand.
The Vallemosso branch opened in 1941. At the end of the war 5 branches opened in the Biella area.


The Bank became a joint-stock company with Ernesto Sella as Chairman and Giorgio Sella as Managing Director.


Pietro Sella introduced the first mechanical spinning machines, imported from Belgium, into the family wool mill. The industrialisation of the family's activities begins.


Quintino Sella was born in 1827 and went on to become the Minister of Finance of the newly-born Italian Kingdom in 1862. He played a key role in establishing the Italian Alpine Club in 1863 and was instrumental in reviving the Accademia dei Lincei in the 1870s.


The wool mill relocated to Biella. Later innovations led to the introduction of mechanical looms in the factory along the Cervo stream. Today, the Group has its Data Processing Centre, Corporate University and the SellaLab start-up accelerator and incubator located on the same site.


Gaudenzio Sella (1860-1934), together with 6 other brothers and cousins, founded the Gaudenzio Sella & C. bank. This bank was the cornerstone of the current Sella Group


The Sellas have been entrepreneurs since the second half of the 16th century. They originally hailed from the Valle di Mosso, where for a long time, they mainly focused on textile and agricultural activities. The cultivation of vines, in particular, originated Lessona and Bramaterra wines, which still characterise the production of the Tenute Sella today.