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Covered Bond Banca Sella
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This section is for institutional investors, banks, financial analysts and rating companies, who will be able to find economic and financial information relating to Banca Sella and the Sella Group.
The Third Pillar of the Basel 3 regulatory framework introduces disclosure to the public regarding capital adequacy, explosure to risks and the general characteristics of the related management and control systems.
The Sella group publishes quantitative and qualitative information pursuant to EU Regulation no. 575/2013, Part Eight and Part Ten, Title I, Chapter 3and of the Regulatory or Implementation Technical Standards issued by the European Commission.
Rating Moody's
Long Term Deposits Baa3
Short Term Deposits P-3
Long Term Issuer Ba3
Senior Unsecured Ba3
Outlook stable
Credit Opinion Moody's (April 2024)
Press Release Moody's (February 2024)
Rating DBRS
Long-Term Deposits BBB
Short-Term Deposits R-2(high)
Long-Term Issuer Rating / Senior Debt BBB (low)
Short-Term Issuer Rating / Debt R-2 (middle)
Trend stable
Press Release DBRS (May 2024)
Rating Report DBRS (May 2024)
Rating Moody's
Long Term Deposits Baa3
Short Term Deposits P-3
Outlook stable
Credit Opinion Moody's (April 2024)
Press Release Moody's (February 2024)
Rating DBRS
Long-Term Deposits BBB
Short-Term Deposits R-2(high)
Long-Term Issuer Rating / Senior Debt BBB (low)
Short-Term Issuer Rating / Debt R-2 (middle)
Trend stable